Sunday, June 09, 2013

Note to self re: music

Having fun is not equivalent to letting loose and forgetting the 'boring' things, the technicalities. Having fun is when you're so good that the technicalities are drilled into you, a second nature, such that you can ride on them like waves. Know your natural talents that you can easily ride on as well. Know the natural talents of each person and learn from them.

Step up. Put yourself out there, under the watchful eyes of others and let yourself be vulnerable to criticism. Feel embarrassed about the criticism, remember that feeling and force yourself to improve. Never retreat. Take charge whenever you can, in whichever tiny way you can contribute, feel that pressure to be better, perfect.

Everybody in the group is good in some way and should have the right to correct others. I need to improve on my rhythm, be mindful of the internal clockwork, not sing purely based on feeling. Drill in the technicalities, add in the colours only after that. Perfect the pitch. Perfect it. Ask others on ways to get your notes grounded, on how to use proper support, getting the correct tone. Think of how you sound in relation to the entire group.

Know your weaknesses, let others inform you of the weaknesses you are blind to. Know your natural limitations, attempt to break them but do not expect to.

Never be satisfied with yourself, but never be discouraged.

Be Flexible.

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